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August 24, 2010


Freedom Smith

How adorable Midge is and I love her name.  Five is a terrific age.  She looks like she is getting pretty grown up there!  

I try to write the bdays on  my calendar once a year, when I get the next years calendar.  I have a hard time even remembering all of my kids bdays, which I know sounds terrible, but with so many children, and several with similar months, and such, I have to stop and think when asked.  It can be a bit embarrassing :)  


Thanks, Freedom.  That's her first day of school.  You can't tell from this photo, but her backpack is almost as big as she is.

Freedom Smith

What I cannot believe is how much my kids backpacks weigh! I cannot even lift them.  That seems unhealthy.  They don't seem to even notice!!

Your niece is precious!!!

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