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July 26, 2010



I like how the person in charge didn't even bother to read your Bowie post.  They just threw it up there with an intro that completely missed the point.

That's probably just my jealousy speaking out.  I'm happy you're finally getting the attention you deserve.


Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny too.  To be fair, though, I've never understood the logic (or lack thereof) of how stuff ends up being featured.


I think you "own" the joint because you're one of the 18 Voxers still 1.) Active on Vox and 2.) writing about music.
Go Hotrod!


Hey!  You insulted me with the same self-deprecating joke I made in my post!

Go Jodi!!!


Damnit, I missed that last sentence. Or didn't comprehend it. Or I was so excited about making fun of you I didn't read it.
Fuck. Sorry.


No need to apologize.  That might be the best comment ever.


Nothing like dropping the f-bomb into your next post so that Vox management is inclined to keep the features coming. 

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