One of my favorite things about Karaoke to the Death is the ridiculous conversations it inspires. They're from another reality. Tops on the list occurs during the song selection process, and involves me claiming that a certain song is not right for me because I can sing it too well. Of course I can't sing it too well. I've won this contest three times. I don't sing anything well. Then there's the one - which I had a couple of years ago when Alison took the Rock It by storm with her tremendous rendition of "Thunder Road" - which starts with an apology and a plea not to take the news that one is a contender as an insult. And finally there's that conversation I had with AmyH last Sunday, in which I broke the unfortunate news that she's not as bad a singer as she thought. Which, again, is absurd. AmyH is a terrible singer. This always happens to me; I always think of the flattering comments when it's way too late.
I think I hear you telling me at the end, "You'll be fine. You'll be fine." Sorry I talked through Amy's performance. I was a tiny bit nervous.
Posted by: M-----l | February 18, 2010 at 08:10 PM
Ha! I didn't pick up on that. Though I was thinking earlier that in the future I should hire someone to come just to document this. Sometimes the background chatter gets in the way.
Posted by: hotrod | February 18, 2010 at 08:17 PM
I think next year you should drop some money on the DJ and get yourself a set of soundboard recordings. Then you won't have to stand there all night aiming your tiny camera at the stage.
Posted by: M-----l | February 18, 2010 at 08:20 PM
I was listening for you and I didn't really hear it until the end. You could have done a much better job at covering my singing - it would have added positively to this audio.
Posted by: AmyH | February 18, 2010 at 10:06 PM
First I thought I heard HR say "How you feeling?" and then you answering him.
Posted by: crankypants | February 18, 2010 at 11:37 PM