Last Christmas, my brother-in-law really wanted a new fishing pole. I went to Dick's Sporting Goods at Franklin Park Mall - in between stops at Barnes and Noble and Toys-R-Us - to get him one. The strange thing was: none of their selection was marked with a price tag. So I hunted down a clerk. I picked up a really nice looking pole and asked the salesman how much it was. He said, "I'm blind, but if you give me the pole I can tell how much it is by the weight." I gave him the pole and he quickly replied, "This pole is worth $45." I was a little surprised by how cheap it was. I picked out another nice-looking pole nearby and handed it to the man. He told me, "This pole is worth $55." I could barely believe how cheap these fishing poles were. I then selected the nicest looking pole in the place and handed it to the man. He barely hefted it before saying, "This is our best fishing pole, and it costs $70." I told him I'd take it.
I'd eaten at Taco Bell for lunch, and as the nice salesman was ringing up my merchandise I suddenly had to fart very badly. I decided since he was blind it probably wouldn't matter if I farted in front of him. So I just let it rip. To my surprise, the clerk said, "Okay, your total is $80." Confused, I asked him, "Didn't you say the fishing pole was only $70?"
"It is," he said. "It's $70 for the fishing pole and $10 for the duck call."
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