when my sisters and i were much, much younger, our parents instituted a
game (of sorts) at dinner-time called "the best part of my day." it
was as simple as it sounds; we went around the table and everybody
shared their favorite moment that had until then transpired since they
awoke. and then we all argued about whose "best part" was really the
best and whose was actually really lame and that's why i am the way i
am. (haha! just kidding - no one actually knows why i am the way i am!)
anyway, now that sister #2 has kids who can form thoughts more complex than "cry" and "poop," she plays the same game (of sorts) with her own family.
sunday was a full day for anyone, not least a six-year-old. after
lunch, we all hastily piled into the van and headed toward downtown
atlanta, while a rousing game of twenty questions occupied the time.
once downtown, we headed to centennial park where the tour de [editor's note: ugh] georgia
had set up shop for the day. sunday's final stage was a circuit race,
so we had many opportunities to watch the peloton ride by, and during
the ten to fifteen minutes between the action there were booths at
which to browse, the fountain of rings,
and a half-pipe with cycling aerial displays on the hour. and when we
returned home the neighborhood kids were gathered at the creek, where
there was a dead fish to be poked with sticks. like i said, it was a
full day.
my parents - whose first visit was timed to coincide
with mine - drove me to the airport that night so that my sister could
get the girls to bed on time. as we neared the airport, my sister
called. the girls had been in bed, she told me, for about fifteen
minutes, but as per usual, she still heard the sound of their voices
after bedtime. as she walked back to remind them that they were
supposed to go to sleep, she realized they were discussing the best
parts of their day. so she hesitated quietly outside their door and thus heard maggie
tell her sister, "the best part of my day was when uncle [hotrod]
lifted me up on his shoulders so i could see the bike race better."
hearing that story was the best part of my day.
rushmore was sniffling all weekend, of which i didn't think much at the time. but it turns out she's generously shared her cold, and now i'm missing my very favorite training ride tomorrow as a result. guess who "
unkie hotrod" loves more.
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